Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh Seedlings

Patience is not my strong suit. But obsessiveness is, which is why every year, as soon as I pick that last piece of Christmas wrapping paper off the living room floor, I rub my hands together and get comfy on the couch with a cup of tea and a huge stack of gardening books. And every year I make way too many lists, buy way too many seeds and start them way too early. It's a disease! A really wonderful, fun and expensive disease!
I started two kinds of onions, broccoli and kale and they are quietly coming to life on a heat mat in my bathroom- a bathroom that I frantically shoo family members away from any time they are within a three meter radius of it's door. Poor family. Don't even get me started on Hugo, an enormous blonde whirlwind on paws. I may have to give him away for, oh, six months or so.
The heat mat's new. A splurge when I saw it on clearance for HALF PRICE at Buckerfields (da da dahhh!!!) Even then, $45 to keep seeds toasty seems a little excessive and coddling. I wondered, would I spend $45 to keep myself taosty on a heat mat, and the answer was no. But then, I don't personally supply the family with months and months worth of tasty and organic vegetables, so I reasoned that it was well worth it. John agreed, which is amazing given his rather Natzi like approach to heating bills (he's extremely un-Natzi like in every other possible way, so I let this one slide).
I have way too many questions this year! Like how do I prune my mystery raspberry canes and do I want more than 40 onions? I'm hoping that when I look back on this blog next spring I'll chuckle, shaking my head sympathetically at all the things I didn't know (old me) and how enlightened I am now (future me) and how far I've come in one year. That's the plan, anyway. We'll see how it goes!