Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Renaissance Women!

I am VERY excited about this new group and learning some pioneering "survival skills" from all my fellow eager earthies. Plus I have homework- this blog. Which I had planned to start as my own unpublished garden journal (because who wants to read someone else's garden journal. Except me- I would love that), but when Heather emailed with a blogging assignment, I thought Bingo! I'll follow the two birds/one stone adage, which has been around forever so must be good advice.

So, introducing my garden planning/Renaissance Women experiences blog. I'll try to make the two tie in as much as possible. For example: goat milking (Renaissance Women) as I ponder my weed problem (my own garden stuff). Just an example- we won't only be milking goats. Here's what we will be doing:

  • making and distilling essential oils

  • fermenting sodas/ kamboucha (soooo much better than it sounds!)

  • making yogourt

  • making sourdough starter and bread (Yay! This has never worked for me!)

  • making soap (last time I made soap it involved melting a bar of Ivory, perfuming it with something bright blue and pouring it into a mould shaped like a mermaid. Booooo!)

  • identifying wild mushrooms/plants, and EATING them (that's right)

  • sewing from a pattern (OK, I know how to do this one. Nose to the sky, Angie.)

  • milking a goat (while you garden)

  • making cheese and enjoy with wine (this is officially and prematurely my favourite night of all)

  • bee keeping (woo hoo!)
And possibly:

  • building a cob oven (so I can then build my dream cob home)

  • making paper

  • killing a chicken (this one sounds slightly less cheery then the others, but I'm all over it)

I missed our first meeting, so off to a bit of a bad start :-/ But it was a planning meeting, no milking or slaughtering small animals- no fermenting things. Think I can catch up all right.

So, until February 20th...

1 comment:

  1. Yay Angie!! Congratulations on completing your January homework. Can't wait for our adventures in 2011 ...
